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Archive for the 'Recovery' Category

Day Eleven

Mojo’s stitches are out! He still has to keep his “cone of shame” on for a few more days.  We went for a walk around the lake today and although it tuckered him out, it was like he never lost his leg. People who met him commented on how amazed they were that his surgery […]

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Day Ten

Mojo is doing much better…his mobility is pretty much where I expected it. He’s running around like a champ. Today he is scheduled to get his stitches out, but somehow he’s been able to reach his wound area with his tongue and he’s been going to town when I’ve been asleep. His appointment is at […]

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Day Five

Mojo had a better day today, although he did not want to move at all.  He was content with sleeping, however, he was pretty uncomfortable and decided to sleep while sitting up.  I felt bad for him, but it was pretty funny. I tried neosporin and that seemed to help with his itching.  His appetite […]

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Day Four

Mojo is doing better today.  We went into the office and he was ok for the morning but really started feeling pain in the afternoon.  We had to head back home to finish up work there…and Mojo slept for the better part of the day.  It’s just that when he moves he’s in pain.  Right […]

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Day Three

Today’s been a good and bad day, which I’m sure you’ll have. Mojo finally eliminated solids this morning. I was lucky enough to be able to work from home (my workplace is awesome) and thank goodness because Mojo and I didn’t really sleep all that well. We were up at 2 a.m., 5 a.m., 6 […]

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Day Two

Have you ever hoped for something during a time of tragedy?  Have you ever expected the worst during a trial in your life…and hoped for the best, but preparing for the worst?  That’s Mojo.  He’s the hope and the triumph of spirits in the face of adversity.  That’s his definition…I think, ultimately, this is what […]

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Day One

Mojo is home and is amazing.  Amazing! I picked him up from the vet and the entire staff came over to me to compliment me on what a kind and loving dog he is!  They could not say enough good things about him.  He is doing amazingly well and although his spirit is a little […]

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