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Day Five

Mojo had a better day today, although he did not want to move at all.  He was content with sleeping, however, he was pretty uncomfortable and decided to sleep while sitting up.  I felt bad for him, but it was pretty funny.

I tried neosporin and that seemed to help with his itching.  His appetite is normal and he’s still eliminating well.  It’s been a long road so far but things are looking up.

9 Comments so far

  1.   Carmen (Catie's Mom) on April 29th, 2010          

    Poor Mojo – even though the video is pretty darn cute! 🙂 I’d be trying the same thing if I had to wear one of those dreadful cones – what nasty things they are. Hope he is able to get some proper rest. Sounds like he’s doing well, really.

  2.   Hunner on April 29th, 2010          

    Hi Mojo,

    Glad the hear you had a nice morning yesterday. My mom seen you in the afternoon said you looked tired.

    I have tried to sleep many ways but standing up was to one of them, you do look funny. Hope you have a good day…


  3.   admin on April 29th, 2010          

    Sleeping? You sure? Looks like Mojo is a Zen Dog master in deep meditation. 🙂

    Mojo will be more comfortable soon. I’d sleep all day too if I was recovering from such a major surgery!

  4.   cometdog on April 29th, 2010          

    Hey Mojo!
    I’m going with admin on this one…Zen. Grooovy, baby – groooovy!

    Did your mama match YOU to the curtains or the CURTAINS to you???? I call that true love either way!


  5.   janeothejungle on April 29th, 2010          

    That is pretty stinkin funny dude. Tell them to take that satellite dish off so you can get some real sleep. Practice making the ‘puppy eyes’ at them, it works at my house. Hope you feel better soon, bro.

    luvs, Rosie

  6.   jerry on April 29th, 2010          

    OMG we coulnd’t help but giggle a little bit! Sorry! You’re so adorable.

  7.   Ginger on April 29th, 2010          

    Oh no!! Not the “cone of shame.” No wonder you want to sleep sitting up. Mojo, you are doing great. You have definitely lived through and survived the worst of it. Today is my 2 week ampuversary, and the first 4 or 5 days were bad, but after that I was doing pretty good. You will be too. Just think pawsitively.

  8.   Opie on April 30th, 2010          

    Aaawwwwwwww. Poor Mojo. You’re sooooo tired. Make your pawrents take that cone of shame off your head. Opie’s mom

  9.   jakesmom on May 5th, 2010          

    Poor baby… Mojo looked so funny falling asleep sitting up. I hope that he’s feeling better real soon, so he can sleep lying down… like a normal doggie…

    Sending Mojo a big kiss and hug!!

    Angel Jake’s Mom

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