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Day Four

Mojo is doing better today.  We went into the office and he was ok for the morning but really started feeling pain in the afternoon.  We had to head back home to finish up work there…and Mojo slept for the better part of the day.  It’s just that when he moves he’s in pain.  Right now he’s sitting upright staring at me.  It’s pretty taxing.  I just really wish he would pull through this faster.  He was really trying to get at his stitches today so I’m assuming that the nerve endings are starting to pull back.

He’s still taking his meds and aside from the pain he’s making great strides in his mobility.  Still not sleeping through the night, but hopefully we’ll get more as the week progresses.  I scheduled him to get his stitches out next Tuesday…so I’m anxiously waiting for that moment.

Go Mojo!

5 Comments so far

  1.   majorbubbatank on April 27th, 2010          

    You may want to start putting a pain relief ointment (neosporin type) on Mojo’s incision to keep the itching at bay. It helped Major a lot.

    Rachel (Major’s mom)

  2.   etgayle on April 28th, 2010          

    four days isn’t a long time..not after major surgery. i recommend rest, rest, rest. naps are magic – gifts for the good!!!

  3.   Mackenzie's Mom on April 28th, 2010          

    What a sweet boy! This recovery process can be so tough at times and like a rollercoaster. There were a few days in Mackenzie’s recovery time where I didn’t think she would pull through. But she did with flying colors and Mojo will too. It just takes time and that’s why we’re told that it takes a good 14 days to really heal through something as major as this. We’ve all been there and totally know what you’re going through. Wishing you the best during this time.
    Kami (Mackenzie’s Mom)

  4.   maggie on April 28th, 2010          

    Hang in there Mojo!!! I think it was Nikki the Rottie, she said too, about the neopsorin helping with itching at sutures??

    What is he on for pain meds? Do you think that they are helping? Maybe switching to something else would help better with the pain? I know Gabapentin was GREAT for Maggie.

    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

  5.   jakesmom on April 29th, 2010          

    Oh those nasty itchy sutures… Mojo will feel so much better once they come out, but might still be itchy as the incision heals.

    Mojo is totally adorable!! Love that picture of him! Looks like he’s all sad and embarressed wearing the cone… 🙂

    Angel Jake’s Mom

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