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Day Three

Today’s been a good and bad day, which I’m sure you’ll have. Mojo finally eliminated solids this morning. I was lucky enough to be able to work from home (my workplace is awesome) and thank goodness because Mojo and I didn’t really sleep all that well. We were up at 2 a.m., 5 a.m., 6 a.m., and then 7 and 8. Fun stuff.

I was very happy his digestive system is working, however, he’s having some difficulty with pain today. Even though the medication has been administered I don’t think it’s having that much affect on him. It’s basically motrin for dogs. I’ve often wondered how to tell if Mojo is having pain. Well, he basically tries to bite his missing leg and then runs really fast over to me.

When he does this I simply lay him down and give him a lot of love. That seems to help. I tried a bag of ice to keep some of the swelling down but I think Mojo is just too sensitive in that area right now. He is sitting up more and basically stares at me from the couch. This is the old Mojo…and if you really know him, this is his normal behavior. He has not whimpered once (he whimpers if a butterfly lands on him)…so I’m getting ready for him to talk and finally tell me what’s on his mind.

Hugs all around to you all for reading and commenting and sending positive vibes.

8 Comments so far

  1.   Ted on April 26th, 2010          

    Good luck Mojo! This part of the recovery is probably the toughest, but you’ll be surprised at how quickly Mojo gets back on his feet both literally and figuratively!

  2.   admin on April 26th, 2010          

    I’ve often wondered how to tell if Mojo is having pain.

    Everyone wonders that about their own pups. Our three part CARE video interview helps clear up a few things about phantom limb pain, exercise, side effects and over-medication.

  3.   Mackenzie's Mom on April 27th, 2010          

    Yes, it’s the pain meds that seem to cause the most problems during the recovery. At least for us it was. It’s a real balancing act – you’re not sure if they’re in pain or overmedicated – both seem to exhibit the same side effects. I would suggest talking to your vet – maybe there’s another pain med that you could try if this one doesn’t seem to be doing the trick. Mackenzie was on Tramadol and Gabapatin following her surgery. But for a few days there, they made her feel out of sorts but by the 10th day when we took her off her pain meds she made a complete turnaround. So it’s a damned if you do, damned if you don’t scenario. Good luck with everything – I’m sure you’ll figure it out and Mojo will be feeling better in no time!

  4.   ubermojo on April 27th, 2010          

    Thanks for the advice. I’ll be speaking with the vet in the morning.

    – mr. Alex (mojo’s dad)

  5.   addi on April 27th, 2010          

    Glad to hear some of his personality is starting to shine through. Hugs to you both!

  6.   Hunners Mom on April 27th, 2010          

    Hi Mogo,
    This is Hunner, I am glad you are amazing your Dad, but sorry to hear you are having a bad day. I know the place my Mom works and yes it is awesome, I wish someone could have stayed home with me… Mom says she can’t wait to meet you, so get better soon.

  7.   Ginger on April 27th, 2010          

    As everybody here will tell you, the first 2 weeks are hard. I haven’t quite made it to 2 weeks yet — I’m at 12 days post-amputation. However, after the first week, I think you will find Mojo will start feeling better. That’s a GREAT sign that his personality is starting to shine through. It should make you feel good too. I know it’s tough now, but it will get better, I promise.


  8.   Ginger on April 27th, 2010          

    P.S. — So sorry you had to wear the cone of chame, Mojo 🙁

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