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Day Two

Have you ever hoped for something during a time of tragedy?  Have you ever expected the worst during a trial in your life…and hoped for the best, but preparing for the worst?  That’s Mojo.  He’s the hope and the triumph of spirits in the face of adversity.  That’s his definition…I think, ultimately, this is what will define him.

I’m having a hard time putting into words what this dog has accomplished in the short time.  He’s always been mild mannered and very gentle, so I imagined this would be difficult for him, I thought his recovery would be a great burden and he would be so incapacitated  and weak  that we wouldn’t be able to do much at all in the first 48 hours.  I couldn’t be more wrong.

He went up and down the stairs today.  What else can you say?  There wasn’t anything stopping him.  He simply got up and did what he had to do.  He has done it every moment so far.  A lot of folks have commented saying that he would surprise me.  They were right.  He’s not letting this hurt him.  Yes, I know he’s an animal and instinct drives him; but if you knew Mojo, you’d say that there is a bit more to this than just persevering.  I think he has knowledge of what is happening around him.  Mojo has surveyed his condition and has decided to push on, while keeping everything about him intact.  I wish sometimes we humans could persevere like he is.  It’s a philosophy we should all adapt to.

When in the face of the biggest obstacles, we remain intact by climbing the mountain, no matter what the cost.  We must always continue, no matter what happens – because the goal is what dogs are born to do.  Love.

My only regret is that Mojo cannot completely understand his journey, because that’s the only part he’s missing.

5 Comments so far

  1.   anyemery on April 25th, 2010          

    Way to go, Mojo! Keep on amazing your pawrents! We’re sending lots of hugs and best wishes for lots of amazing stuff in your future.
    Holly and Holly’s mom

  2.   Carmen (Catie's Mom) on April 25th, 2010          

    I can relate entirely to hoping for the best and expecting the worst. Also, we humans can learn so much from our furry family members about perseverance, resilience, about joy in the slightest, most familiar moments. It’s hard for us though; we have all the anxieties and responsibilities and emotional turmoil that comes with our species.

    Mojo maybe can’t articulate or self-reflect on his journey, that’s true. But every time Catie shares her inexplicable moments of delight with me it makes me reflect on mine. Even when she’s feeling sick – and she’s been feeling ill since her last chemo on Monday, today in particular she threw up a number of times – she manages to rouse herself to do her happy dance.

    I’m so pleased to hear Mojo is doing so very very well!! He looks sweet.

  3.   jakesmom on April 25th, 2010          

    I’m so glad that Mojo is doing well! Yay on going up and down the stairs!!

    Sending Mojo a big fat hug!!

    Angel Jake’s Mom

  4.   Opie on April 25th, 2010          

    Hey Mojo,

    You are a real hero. I am so glad you are doing so good. If Opie were still around, however, I know he would ask you, “What kind of reception do you get with that thing?”….Bwaaaahahahahahah. Sorry Mojo, I couldn’t resist. Opie’s mom

  5.   jerry on April 26th, 2010          

    Beautifully said, bravo! It seems that a lot of pawrents don’t really understand what good their amazing animal companions are capable of until something like this happens.

    When it happened to me, it became very clear to my pawrents that it was my role in this place and time to show them how to live, how to thrive despite adversity, how to appreciate all that they have and not moan over what they felt was missing.

    I do think that Mojo understands his journey on a deeper level than humans can comprehend. He is fulfilling his destiny.

    Thank you for allowing us to catch a glimpse of this sweet boy’s life with you.

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