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Day One

Mojo is home and is amazing.  Amazing!

I picked him up from the vet and the entire staff came over to me to compliment me on what a kind and loving dog he is!  They could not say enough good things about him.  He is doing amazingly well and although his spirit is a little down, he’s moving around like nothing and is already getting used to his situation.

Although it’s early – I couldn’t be more pleased with how things are turning out.  He has been prescribed pain medication and Keflex as the antibiotics.  His pain patch has been removed and he is on an oral medication.  So far, so good.  He’s sitting next to me as I type this sleeping away, which I’m sure is the best thing for him.  He has already made me so proud and I know he’ll be back to his old self in no time.

The plastic e-collar that he’s using will definitely have to go.   It’s causing him to run into furniture and makes it difficult for him to get around.  I think I’m going to go with the comfy cone. We’ll see how that goes.

5 Comments so far

  1.   Carmen (Catie's Mom) on April 24th, 2010          

    Exactly how I felt when Catie came home.

    Amazed. Drop jaw amazement.

    Lots of rest is a good thing – for both of you. Mojo will need it from his major surgery; I’m sure you’ll need it from all the emotional turmoil. His spirit will return in no time – some of his lack of lustre might just be from all the medications too.

    Well done. Glad to hear things went well and he’s hopping on the road to recovery.

  2.   anyemery on April 24th, 2010          

    Yay, Mojo! I, too, was absolutely amazed at how well Holly adapted. We hope Mojo keeps amazing you each day! And we’ll echo what Carmen says… lots of rest for both of you is a good idea.
    Holly and Holly’s mom

  3.   etgayle on April 24th, 2010          

    so glad mojo is doing so well. i recommend rest for all, naps are sooo good!! the pain meds do make you kind of ‘goofy’, so don’t worry so much about the little quirks they may be causing. after i stopped the meds, i was so much more my self!!! keep progressing!! gayle & charon

  4.   Dar Holtzapple on April 25th, 2010          

    Mojo’s story has captured my heart. My daughter (Erin) introduced me to Mojo through his barking video – I was a fan right away. He is absolutely adorable – you will never regret making this decision. No doubt in my mind that Mojo will make you proud! Look forward to all your posts – keep up the great work Mojo! Maybe we can meet in person some day.

  5.   diesal on April 25th, 2010          

    Well done Mojo!!
    You’re a little star!!
    It sounds like you have all had a traumatic week. It’s unbearable to see our loved ones in such pain, but unbeatably amazing to see them ‘pull through’ and become even more special then ever.

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