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Day of Surgery

Dogs lives are short, too short, but you know that going in. You know the pain is coming, you’re going to lose a dog, and there’s going to be great anguish, so you live fully in the moment with her, never fail to share her joy or delight in the…innocence, because you can’t support the illusion that a dog can be your lifelong companion. There’s such beauty in the hard honesty of that, in accepting and giving love while always aware it comes with an unbearable price. Maybe loving dogs is a way we do penance for all the other illusions we allow ourselves and for the mistakes we make because of those illusions.” — Dean Koontz, The Darkest Evening of the Year


Mojo pulled through surgery.  The vet said his femur was smashed pretty bad and that surgery might have been an option but it would have probably had to have been amputated anyway.  The vet removed the entire thigh bone to prevent arthritis developing later in life.  Mojo’s pelvis is normal.  The vet said he did well under anesthesia and he was waking up and doing ok.

His pain patch will be removed and he’ll be switched to oral meds for pain as he heals.  This should hopefully settle his stomach.  If everything goes well tonight I’ll see my guy tomorrow morning!

On the road to recovery!

7 Comments so far

  1.   Hunners Mom on April 23rd, 2010          

    Mojo and you will be in my prayers. Hunner my German Short Hair Pointer; was hit by a car at 2 years old. We never found him for 11 days, he ran into nearby woods. A kind person found him and thought he was abandoned because of malnourishment and took him a Vet. The gentleman told the Vet he would pay for whatever surgery’s the dog need to save him. (Amazing) It was our Vet and knew we were looking for Hunner. The first time my husband saw Hunner he looked horrible, he also thought to put him down because of the pain. I am glad to tell you Hunner is a happy and healthy 12 years old. You will be surprised how quickly Mojo will recover. In addition, amazed how Mojo will keep your spirits up.

    Dog’s Rule, says Hunner

  2.   cometdog on April 23rd, 2010          

    Hey Mojo!

    I want your mojo! You gots some good mojo! Keep it going during your recovery, pal!


  3.   Carmen (Catie's Mom) on April 23rd, 2010          

    And that’s the road Mojo wants to be on – the one to recovery! Well done. He’ll astound you with his resilience.

  4.   angela girol on April 23rd, 2010          

    So happy to see that Mojo is pulling through! The kids were saying prayers for him last night after they saw the pics of him! Hang in there guys!


  5.   Mackenzie's Mom on April 23rd, 2010          

    So happy to know that Mojo pulled through his surgery! Hunner’s story must also be a great inspiration. I’m sure Mojo will follow in the same footsteps. Wishing you a very smooth and speedy recovery! We look forward to hearing more about Mojo and how he’s doing.
    Kami (Mackenzie’s Mom)

  6.   Opie on April 24th, 2010          

    Way to go, Mojo! Can’t wait to hear about you doing better and better each day. The first two weeks are the hardest, but you will do terrific. Make sure your pawrents give you lots of treats, you deserve them!

    Nancy (Opie’s Mom)

  7.   jerry on April 24th, 2010          

    Mojo you got some Moxie! Yeay! So hoppy to hear you made it over the big hurdle, congrats.

    We love that Dean Koontz quote, thanks for sharing that. It’s so very true.

    Take it easy and get ready to relax at home for a while. Enjoy all the spoiling!

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