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Mojo and his accident

Mojo’s Story

Mojo is a 7-year old Brittany Spaniel / Retriever mix.  He was rescued from Action for Animals in 2006.  I had looked for many times for the right dog for me…often making several trips to the shelter.  On the day that I found Mojo,  I went to the shelter and I was presented with the dogs outside in a play pen.  Mojo immediately came up to me and jumped up on the fence.  I knew it right away that he was my dog.  I adopted him immediately.

Mojo is a kind spirited dog who likes children and never has any problems with other dogs.  He is playful and likes to lounge around the house.  He really has an inkling for chasing foxes and roams around in the yard chasing birds.  He never catches anything but enjoys the hunt.

The Accident

I had recently fixed the rear door to my residence and it had caused the door to close slowly.  This is how Mojo got out.  I didn’t notice he was gone because he usually likes to go up to bed to take an after dinner nap.  After he didn’t come down to go to the bathroom, I knew he had gotten out.  I spent a long time looking for him…but he loves exploring the vast country side.  I had called his name and I heard a screech and looked over to see Mojo getting hit by a car.  I ran screaming over to him.

The lady who hit him was in tears and through my extreme trauma of watching his accident I assured her that it was not her fault.  Blood was coming from his mouth (we think he bit his tongue) and he was in immense pain.  I put my jacket over him and ran to get my car.  I immediately took him to an emergency vet who did diagnostics on him.  He was in shock and was in a lot of pain.  The vet stabilized him and he spent the night at the hospital.

2 Comments so far

  1.   Cindy on April 23rd, 2010          

    Thank God, you were there and got him help right away! I know how much you love Mojo and am glad you decided to do the amputation. I think he’ll be fine and you’ll continue to give each other a lot of happiness. He’s such a sweet guy! I can’t wait to see him.

  2.   Mark O'Connor on April 24th, 2010          

    Alex, so glad to hear that the surgery was a success and that Mojo seems to be in much better spirits than should be expected in this situation.

    It was a horrible accident that happened, I’m sure made even more so by witnessing it as well. But, at the same time, if you weren’t that close to the incident too much time may have passed and the trauma to Mojo may have been too much. I don’t believe that there is such a thing as a coincidence. He could have been hit at any time during that period, but was when you were close by. Perhaps, that was meant to be, for some reason. Your proximity probably saved his life.

    It is also a good thing to read that the lady was remorseful. I know in retrospect the situation would have happened regardless, but it is nice to know that it wasn’t a hit and run, and was someone who stopped, was remorseful and showed compassion.

    He definitely seems like a dog that will adapt to this condition very well, or barely even notice it, lol.

    Hey man, you are a great friend and a great person. I’m not happy to hear that the situation occurred and that Mojo had to go through the amputation. But, I’m very glad, considering those circumstances, that the right decision appears to have been made concerning the surgery and that all seems to be as positive as can be expected considering the trying time you all went through. And Mojo looks great in the pictures too.

    Take care man, and take care of Mojo (I know you will). We need to touch base soon and meet up. Phish in Cincy was the last time I saw you right?

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